22 juillet 2016

Configuring Netscaler for Exchange ActiveSync, RPC, OWA, OAB, EWS, Autodiscover

I've been asked for my Netsclaer configuration for Exchange so I'm sharing it for everyone to (hopefully) be helpfull to many.

Unfortunately I don't have the time luxury currently to comment and explain all of it but at least the important is that the config is there. Keep in mind that the some longer command will be truncated on the blog but they should be typed on one line.

create ssl dhparam ECDH.KEY 2048 -gen 2

add ssl profile No_SSL3_profileb -dhCount 10000 -dh ENABLED -dhFile "/nsconfig/ssl/ECDH.KEY" -eRSA ENABLED -eRSACount 10000 -sessReuse ENABLED -sessTimeout 120 -sslRedirect ENABLED -redirectPortRewrite ENABLED -ssl3 DISABLED

add serviceGroup SG_EXCH_HTTPs SSL -maxClient 0 -maxReq 0 -cip DISABLED -usip NO -useproxyport YES -cltTimeout 180 -svrTimeout 360 -CKA NO -TCPB NO -CMP NO -appflowLog DISABLED
bind serviceGroup SG_EXCH_HTTPs exchange_K1 443 -CustomServerID "\"None\""
bind serviceGroup SG_EXCH_HTTPs exchange_K2 443 -CustomServerID "\"None\""
bind serviceGroup SG_EXCH_HTTPs exchange_J1 443 -CustomServerID "\"None\""
bind serviceGroup SG_EXCH_HTTPs exchange_J2 443 -CustomServerID "\"None\""
bind serviceGroup SG_EXCH_HTTPs -monitorName https-ecv

add lb vserver LB_EXC=AutoDiscover=NoAuth SSL 0 -persistenceType NONE -Listenpolicy None -cltTimeout 360
bind lb vserver LB_EXC=AutoDiscover=NoAuth SG_EXCH_HTTPs
bind ssl vserver LB_EXC=AutoDiscover=NoAuth -cipherName claus-cipher-list-with-gcm
bind ssl vserver LB_EXC=AutoDiscover=NoAuth -certkeyName domain-wildcard
set ssl vserver LB_EXC=AutoDiscover=NoAuth -sslProfile No_SSL3_profile

add lb vserver LB_EXC=OAB_EWS=NoAuth SSL 0 -persistenceType SSLSESSION -timeout 720 -Listenpolicy None -cltTimeout 360
bind lb vserver LB_EXC=OAB_EWS=NoAuth SG_EXCH_HTTPs
bind ssl vserver LB_EXC=OAB_EWS=NoAuth -cipherName claus-cipher-list-with-gcm
bind ssl vserver LB_EXC=OAB_EWS=NoAuth -certkeyName domain-wildcard
set ssl vserver LB_EXC=OAB_EWS=NoAuth -sslProfile No_SSL3_profile

add lb vserver LB_EXC=OA-RPC=No_AUTH SSL 0 -persistenceType SOURCEIP -timeout 720 -Listenpolicy None -cltTimeout 180
bind lb vserver LB_EXC=OA-RPC=No_AUTH SG_EXCH_HTTPs
bind ssl vserver LB_EXC=OA-RPC=No_AUTH -cipherName claus-cipher-list-with-gcm
bind ssl vserver LB_EXC=OA-RPC=No_AUTH -certkeyName domain-wildcard
set ssl vserver LB_EXC=OA-RPC=No_AUTH -sslProfile No_SSL3_profile

add lb vserver LB_EXC=ActiveSync=401Auth_Corp SSL 0 -persistenceType RULE -timeout 720 -rule "HTTP.REQ.HEADER(\"Authorization\")" -Listenpolicy None -cltTimeout 180 -authn401 ON -authnVsName vs_AuthCorp.domain.com
set ssl vserver LB_EXC=ActiveSync=401Auth_Corp -sslProfile No_SSL3_profile
bind ssl vserver LB_EXC=ActiveSync=401Auth_Corp -cipherName z_metro-cipher-list-with-gcm
bind ssl vserver LB_EXC=ActiveSync=401Auth_Corp -certkeyName domain-wildcard
bind lb vserver LB_EXC=ActiveSync=401Auth_Corp SG_EXCH_HTTPs

add lb vserver LB_EXC=OWA_ECP=FullAuth_Corp SSL 0 -persistenceType COOKIEINSERT -timeout 0 -persistenceBackup SOURCEIP -backupPersistenceTimeout 720 -Listenpolicy None -cltTimeout 360 -Authentication ON -authnProfile Profile_Corp_Auth
bind lb vserver LB_EXC=OWA_ECP=FullAuth_Corp SG_EXCH_HTTPs
bind ssl vserver LB_EXC=OWA_ECP=FullAuth_Corp -cipherName claus-cipher-list-with-gcm
bind ssl vserver LB_EXC=OWA_ECP=FullAuth_Corp -certkeyName domain-wildcard
set ssl vserver LB_EXC=OWA_ECP=FullAuth_Corp -sslProfile No_SSL3_profile

add cs action ACT_SEND_EXC=AUTODISCOVER -targetLBVserver LB_EXC=AutoDiscover=NoAuth
add cs policy CSPol__EXC=AutoDiscover=No_AUTH -rule "HTTP.REQ.URL.SET_TEXT_MODE(IGNORECASE).PATH.GET(1).EQ(\"AutoDiscover\") || HTTP.REQ.HOSTNAME.SET_TEXT_MODE(IGNORECASE).CONTAINS(\"autodiscover.domain.com\") || HTTP.REQ.HOSTNAME.SET_TEXT_MODE(IGNORECASE).CONTAINS(\"autodiscover3.domain.com\")" -action ACT_SEND_EXC=AUTODISCOVER

add cs action ACT_SEND_EXC=OAB_EWS -targetLBVserver LB_EXC=OAB_EWS=NoAuth

add cs action ACT_SEND_EXC=OA_RPC -targetLBVserver LB_EXC=OA-RPC=No_AUTH

add cs action ACT_SEND_EXC=ActiveSync -targetLBVserver LB_EXC=ActiveSync=401Auth_Corp
add cs policy CSPol__EXC=ActiveSync=AUTH_401 -rule "HTTP.REQ.URL.SET_TEXT_MODE(IGNORECASE).PATH.GET(1).EQ(\"Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync\")" -action ACT_SEND_EXC=ActiveSync

add cs action ACT_SEND_EXC=OWA_ECP -targetLBVserver LB_EXC=OWA_ECP=FullAuth_Corp
add cs policy CSPol_EXC=OWA_ECP=FullAuth_Corp -rule "HTTP.REQ.HOSTNAME.SET_TEXT_MODE(IGNORECASE).CONTAINS(\"mail.domain.com\")" -action ACT_SEND_EXC=OWA_ECP

add service Always_UP_service HTTP 80 -gslb NONE -maxClient 0 -maxReq 0 -cip DISABLED -usip NO -useproxyport YES -sp OFF -cltTimeout 180 -svrTimeout 360 -CustomServerID "\"None\"" -CKA NO -TCPB NO -CMP NO

add lb vserver LB_EXC_HTTP=HTTPS_EXT_redirect HTTP 24.x.x.21 80 -persistenceType NONE -Listenpolicy None -cltTimeout 180
bind lb vserver LB_EXC_HTTP=HTTPS_EXT_redirect Always_UP_service

add responder action http_to_https_actn redirect "\"https://\" + HTTP.REQ.HOSTNAME.HTTP_URL_SAFE + HTTP.REQ.URL.PATH_AND_QUERY.HTTP_URL_SAFE"
add responder policy http_to_https_pol HTTP.REQ.IS_VALID http_to_https_actn RESET

bind lb vserver LB_EXC_HTTP=HTTPS_EXT_redirect -policyName http_to_https_pol -priority 100 -gotoPriorityExpression END -type REQUEST

add cs vserver CS_Exchange SSL 24.x.x.21 443 -cltTimeout 180 -caseSensitive OFF -Listenpolicy None
bind ssl vserver CS_Exchange -cipherName claus-cipher-list-with-gcm
bind ssl vserver CS_Exchange -certkeyName domain-wildcard
set ssl vserver CS_Exchange -sslProfile No_SSL3_profile

bind cs vserver CS_Exchange -policyName CSPol__EXC=RPC=NO-AUTH -priority 80
bind cs vserver CS_Exchange -policyName CSPol__EXC=ActiveSync=AUTH_401 -priority 90
bind cs vserver CS_Exchange -policyName CSPol__EXC=OAB_EWS=No_Auth -priority 110
bind cs vserver CS_Exchange -policyName CSPol__EXC=AutoDiscover=No_AUTH -priority 120
bind cs vserver CS_Exchange -policyName CSPol_EXC=OWA_ECP=FullAuth_Corp -priority 130

02 mai 2016

Semi automate Netscaler CLI command

I wanted to automate the creation of VIP into the netscaler but I currently don't have time to learn how to powershell+nitro all of it but had an urgent need to standardise the creation of new VIP. So to go around that time limitation, I have created a batch file that semi-automate the process of creating new VIP into the Netscaler so that everything that gets created in the Netscaler follow the same standard. The batch file ask you some basic question and return you command that you have to copy/paste into the Netsclaer CLI (I connect to the netscaler using PuTTy). The script is not 100% dummy-proof so if you enter wrong information in a field the batch file does not double check all that you enter and your command output will not be good.
Save the following into a text file with extension .bat and run it.
-------------------------- Copy below this line  --------------------------
@echo off
Echo **************************************************************************
Echo The recommended command-line window width is 168 characters to be certain of not having command over 2 lines.
Echo **************************************************************************

CHOICE /C PV /M "Netscaler Physical or Virtual ?"

REM we have 3 differents level of authentication and have created auth_profile and auth_vserver accordingly
ECHO ...............................................
ECHO Do you need authentication?
ECHO ...............................................
ECHO 1 - Authentification 401 Forest
ECHO 2 - Authentification 401 Corp
ECHO 3 - Authentification Form Base Forest
ECHO 4 - Authentification Form Base Corp
ECHO 5 - Authentification Form Base + RSA (Dual Auth)
ECHO 6 - No authentication
SET /P Auth=Type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 then press ENTER:
IF %auth% GEQ 7 goto VIP_Authentification
IF %auth% == 0 goto VIP_Authentification
set /P VipIP=Enter the IP address of the VIP:
CHOICE /C HS /M "What kind of VIP: Http gold Ssl?"
set /P vPort=Enter the VIP port:
set /P VipName=Enter the name of the VIP {LB_..._SSL} (If the VIP port is different than the default Change _SSL for _#### ):
REM if the VIP is not addressable we will place it behind a Content Switching vServer
set "CSVS="
IF %VipIP% NEQ goto IpNotNull

set csact=ACT_SEND_%vipname%
set cspol=CSPol_%VipName%
CHOICE /C EIB /M "VIP behind which content switch vServer: External, Internal or Both? "


CHOICE /C HS /M "Service Group type: Http or Ssl?"
IF %SGT% == http SET Mtyp=http-ecv
IF %SGT% == SSL SET Mtyp=https-ecv

set /P BPort=Enter the port of the backend servers:

set /P SGName=Enter the name of the Service Group {SG_...} Add _### if port is not 80:

choice /c 1234 /M "Enter the number of backend server without pressing enter?"
IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 SET nbr=4
IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 2 SET nbr=3
IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 3 SET nbr=2
IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 4 SET nbr=1
set nbrsvr=%errorlevel%
set svr=1

REM clear the variables before using them for added security if the batch is run multiples times...
set "svr4name="
set "svr3name="
set "svr2name="
set "svr1name="
set "svr4IP="
set "svr3IP="
set "svr2IP="
set "svr1IP="
set "csrule1="
set "csrule2="
set "csrule3="
set "csrule4="

if %nbr% lss 5 (
  set /P Svr%nbr%Name=Enter Server %svr% name:
  set /P Svr%nbr%IP=Enter server %svr% IP: 
  set /a nbr+=1
  set /a svr+=1
  goto :while

echo ************** copy line below this point in putty to create *****************
Echo add serviceGroup %SGName% %SGT%

If %nbrsvr% == 4 goto 4server
If %nbrsvr% == 3 goto 3server
If %nbrsvr% == 2 goto 2server
If %nbrsvr% == 1 goto 1server

if [%svr1name%] ==[] echo. && echo Server 4 name is empty restarting process... && echo.
if [%svr1name%] ==[] goto :backend
Echo add server %svr1name% %svr1IP%
Echo bind serviceGroup %SGName% %svr1name% %bport%
set csrule4=||HTTP.REQ.HOSTNAME.SET_TEXT_MODE(IGNORECASE).EQ(\"%svr1name%.company.com\")

if [%svr2name%] ==[] echo. && echo Server 3 name is empty restarting process... && echo.
if [%svr2name%] ==[] goto :backend
Echo add server %svr2name% %svr2IP%
echo bind serviceGroup %SGName% %svr2name% %bport%
set csrule3=||HTTP.REQ.HOSTNAME.SET_TEXT_MODE(IGNORECASE).EQ(\"%svr2name%.company.com\")

if [%svr3name%] ==[] echo. && echo Server 2 name is empty restarting process... && echo.
if [%svr3name%] ==[] goto :backend
Echo add server %svr3name% %svr3IP%
echo bind serviceGroup %SGName% %svr3name% %bport%
set csrule2=||HTTP.REQ.HOSTNAME.SET_TEXT_MODE(IGNORECASE).EQ(\"%svr3name%.company.com\")

if [%svr4name%] ==[] echo. && echo Server 1 name is empty restarting process... && echo
if [%svr4name%] ==[] goto :backend
Echo add server %svr4name% %svr4IP%
echo bind serviceGroup %SGName% %svr4name% %bport%
set csrule1=HTTP.REQ.HOSTNAME.SET_TEXT_MODE(IGNORECASE).EQ(\"%svr4name%.company.com\")

Echo bind serviceGroup %SGName% -monitorName %Mtyp%

IF %SGT% == SSL Echo set ssl serviceGroup %SGName% -ssl3 DISABLED

REM check if auth was selected
if Not %Auth% == 6 Goto Auth

Echo add lb vserver %VipName% %VT% %VipIP% %vport% -persistenceType COOKIEINSERT -timeout 0 -cltTimeout 180
Goto EndAuth

if %Auth% == 1 set authVs=vs_Auth.company.com
if %Auth% == 2 set authVs=vs_AuthCorp.company.com
if %Auth% == 3 set AuthProf=Profile_Company_Auth
if %Auth% == 4 set AuthProf=Profile_Corp_Auth
if %Auth% == 5 set AuthProf=Profile_Corp-Radius_Auth
if %Auth% LEQ 2 Echo add lb vserver %VipName% %VT% %VipIP% %vport% -persistenceType COOKIEINSERT -timeout 0 -cltTimeout 180 -authn401 ON -authnVsName %authVS%
if %Auth% GEQ 3 Echo add lb vserver %VipName% %VT% %VipIP% %vport% -persistenceType COOKIEINSERT -timeout 0 -cltTimeout 180 -Authentication ON -authnProfile %AuthProf%


Echo bind lb vserver %VipName% %SGName%

If %VT%==HTTP goto skipssl

REM we use an SSL profile for the SSL parameter and wilcard cert
Echo set ssl vserver %VipName% -sslProfile No_SSL3_profile
IF %NS% == Virt Echo bind ssl vserver %VipName% -certkeyName Company-Wildcard-SHA2
IF %NS% == Phys Echo bind ssl vserver %VipName% -certkeyName Company-wildcard
Echo unbind ssl vserver %VipName% -cipherName ALL
IF %NS% == Phys Echo bind ssl vserver %VipName% -cipherName claus-cipher-list-with-gcm
IF %NS% == virt Echo bind ssl vserver %VipName% -cipherName vpx-cipher-list
Echo bind ssl vserver %VipName% -eccCurveName P_256
Echo bind ssl vserver %VipName% -eccCurveName P_384
Echo bind ssl vserver %VipName% -eccCurveName P_224
Echo bind ssl vserver %VipName% -eccCurveName P_521


IF %VipIP% NEQ goto IpNotNull2
echo add cs action %csact% -targetLBVserver %VipName%
echo add cs policy %cspol% -rule "%csrule1%%csrule2%%csrule3%%csrule4%" -action %csact%

if %CSVS%==Externe echo. && echo sh cs vserver CS_Company_External_app && echo. && echo bind cs vserver CS_Company_External_app -policyName %cspol% -priority xxx
if %CSVS%==Interne echo. && echo sh cs vserver CS_Internal_App && echo bind cs vserver CS_Internal_App -policyName %cspol% -priority xxx
if %CSVS%==Deux echo. && echo sh cs vserver CS_Internal_App && echo bind cs vserver CS_Internal_App -policyName %cspol% -priority xxx
if %CSVS%==Deux echo. && echo sh cs vserver CS_Company_External_app && echo. && echo bind cs vserver CS_Company_External_app -policyName %cspol% -priority xxx

Echo +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
echo + Since we don't know what priority are available on the                +
echo + Content switching, the last two command above show the CS vserver     +
echo + so that you manually type the priority on the Bind policy... command  +
Echo +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


echo ************** copy line above this point in putty to create *****************
Echo ********************************************************
Echo * Do not forget to create the DNS entry ...            *
Echo * Run the following commands to create them internally *
Echo ********************************************************
  for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %%a IN ('echo %VipName%') DO (
  set DNSLBNAME=%%a
  for /f "tokens=2 delims=_" %%b IN ('echo %DNSLBNAME%') DO (
  set DNSLBNAME2=%%b
IF %VipIP% == goto IpNull
echo dnscmd %LOGONSERVER% /RecordAdd company.com %DNSLBNAME% /CreatePTR A %vipip%
echo dnscmd %LOGONSERVER% /RecordAdd company.com %DNSLBNAME2% A %VipIP%

echo dnscmd %LOGONSERVER% /RecordAdd company.com %DNSLBNAME2% CNAME CS_Internal_app.company.com
Echo **************** End DNS commands *****************

echo. Completed, this is the end of the batch file
-------------------------- Copy abovet his line  --------------------------

That's the batch file I use now to create VIP into the Netscaler.

17 mars 2016

Vmware PowerCLI 6 scheduled task

We just upgraded our VmWare environment to vSphere 6 with the vCenter installed on Windows 2012r2 using SQL server. The only problem we faced when we migrated the Windows scheduled task that run powercli command from the old 5.5 vCenter to the new one. Keep in mind that my powershell knowledge is very limited...

The task run weekly to return all the running VMs and also VMs with snapshot that are older than 7 days. After hours of investigation I finally found out that the script were running fine when ran directly from whitin powercli so the problem had to come from task scheduler. I found some blog page that suggested to test the scheduled task command with the parameter from the command prompt to see where things goes wrong. That proved to be the best troubleshooting option as I quickly realised that the script was running fine but all the vmware command were returning "invalid command name". This lead me to diagnose further and understand that the vim.psc1file is just a simple text file (powershell console file) instructing powershell to load specific module and/or snapin. I also discovered that you can create new powershell console file by using the export-console command, so I exported the console loaded from the powercli shortcut on the desktop and oh surprise the console file is different than the vim.psc1 created automatically from Vmware. I tested running my script with this powershell console file and tadam! The scripts all works again. The problem is that the default vim.psc1 file miss this line:

 <PSSnapIn Name="VMware.VimAutomation.Core" />

This SnapIn is the one used for the get-vm command and was the one causing the problem.

Citrix Netscaler - HTTP to HTTPs sharepoint page rewrite

The contex: sharepoint is accessed directly on http internally.
We came across a problem that some of our Sharepoint page have hardcoded link instead of dynamic link so when we expose the page externally the link are static to HTTP and since the page are accessed on a secure connection the browser complain that there is unsecure data accessed in clear text instead of SSL. The work around is to rewrite the page body when they are returned to the end user so that the link contained in the page are httpS instead of http. I tried doing rewrite response body without succes and then Citrix consultant suggested to use URL Transformation feature under AppExpert -> Rewrite -> URL Transformation instead that provided a working solution for us.

First we create the profile and enter a descriptive name: TrProfile_http-httpS

Now edit this profile to add an action by clicking on insert:
Name: http2https-action
Priority: 20
Enable = Check
Response URL From: http://(.*)
Response URL Into: https://$1

Click OK.

After that we create the Policies
Name:  TrPol-http-https
Profile: TrProfile_http-httpS

Click OK.

Finally bind this transform Policy to a CS or LB Vserver:

Edit your Vserver, click the "PLUS" sign under policies, choose: transform -> Request and then bind your newly created transform policy: TrPol-http-https

Click OK, Click Done.

Now when the end users access the page, the Netscaler transform all http link in the page to https and we didn't need the developper to build a new page for external users.